Cveta Stojanovic

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Cveta Stojanovic

Dossier Rarity: Rare
Dossier Source:
Rare Regional Boss Chests
This Agent's Dossier can be sold for 1000 Anima Shards or traded and sold on the Auction House.

"Subject was barely a young woman at the start of the Bosnian War. Raised in a small village near the border of Bosnia and Serbia, her father was captured and executed by Bosnian forces. She and her mother were moved to detainment camps.

Serbian forces liberated the camp, after which subject fled to Belgrade. Here, she joined the resurrected Serbian secret para-military group known as The Black Hand.

No stranger to atrocities. Mention of her family triggers the revenge response."

Agent Details

Gender Female
Profession Saboteur
Species Human
Age 36


△ Prowess

20 (Level 1)
◻ Adaptability 22 (Level 1)
❍ Ingenuity 12 (Level 1)



Sharp Reflexes

Cveta's lightning fast reflexes have saved her countless times, increasing her Adaptability.


Tough as Nails

Cveta is incredibly tough and will eschew the use of supplies, claiming they are for, babies. This reduces the Supply cost when sending her on missions.

Agent Support Ability

Sabotage Expert

Level 25 Passive Ability

+325 Attack Rating

Level 50 Passive Ability

(0.215*Combat Power) Damage on Critical Hits

Mission Report Dialogue

Complete Results

"I have failed my family on this day."

Successful Results

"The job is done. Don't worry about any survivors – you wouldn't want to know."

Outstanding Results

"The job is done. Don't worry about any survivors – you wouldn't want to know."

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