Fearghas Abernathy

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Fearghas Abernathy

Dossier Source: Purchase from Dr. Caligari for 1000 Anima Shards, requiring Occult Defence Scenario Achievement, "Ally of Avalon" for completing 100 Occult Defence Scenarios. Also available as a random rare drop from Spoils of the Equinox during the Envoys of Avalon Event.
Special Dossier Source: Purchase from Dr. Caligari for 1000 Anima Shards, requiring Occult Defence Scenario Achievement, "Ally of Avalon" for completing 100 Occult Defence Scenarios; also requires Occult Defence Scenario Achievement, "Living in a Game" for completing 5000 waves in Occult Defence scenarios.
When acquired through achievement purchase from Dr. Caligari, this Agent's Dossier cannot be traded or sold on the Auction House. When acquired through Spoils of the Equinox, this Agent's Dossier can be sold for 1000 Anima Shards or traded or sold on the Auction House.

"Among their many functions in ancient communities, druids served as legal authorities. None display this fact more than Fearghas Abernathy, esteemed lawyer and legal scholar.

This scotsman's argumentative skills are legendary, both in mundane circles and within the Secret World. Through oration and his encyclopedic knowledge of the Council of Venice's labyrinth of bylaws and ancient precedents, he has won the Druids of Avalon concessions that bely the smaller size of the faction."

Agent Details

Gender Male
Profession Barrister
Species Human
Age 47


△ Prowess

16 (Level 1)
◻ Adaptability 16 (Level 1)
❍ Ingenuity 22 (Level 1)



Master Orator

Fearghas is an eloquent public speaker able to manipulate crowds with rhetoric, reducing the amount of assets needed on missions that require assets.


Eidetic Memory

Fearghas' photographic memory allows him to return from any mission with bonus intel in addition to the mission rewards.

Agent Support Ability


Level 25 Passive Ability

+325 Attack Rating

Level 50 Passive Ability
+10% Damage Versus Cybernetic

Mission Report Dialogue

Complete Results

"A defeat for now... but I'll overturn it. Just you wait and see."

Successful Results

“I trust my client is satisfied, eh?”

Outstanding Results

“I trust my client is satisfied, eh?”

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