Age of Misinformation

Table of Contents

Age of Misinformation

Difficulty: ♦️1

We have just received word that a New York reporter has recently obtained evidence of secret world activity. If they go public with this information, it could put all clandestine operations at risk. Send an agent to steal the evidence by any means necessary before it gets released to the public.

Mission Requirements


△ Prowess 0
◻ Adaptability 10
❍ Ingenuity 0


Intel 0
Supplies 0
Assets 0


Time 00:15:00

Potential Rewards

Item Rewards

Weapon Distillate (200cc) Requires Successful or Outstanding Results
Talisman Distillate (200cc) Requires Outstanding Results

Resource Rewards

Intel 0
Supplies 1
Assets 0
XP 180

Bonus Objective

Bonus Requirements


Bonus Rewards

Bonus Intel

Mission Results Text


So, things got awkward. Your agent both failed to retrieve the evidence and managed to get themselves in hot water with local law enforcement. Someone else will have to handle this mess.


Bravo to your agent! They not only retrieved the evidence, but also swapped it with a video of cats. The look of confused embarrassment on the reporter's face when the video went live was priceless!

Outstanding Results

Bravo to your agent! They not only retrieved the evidence, but also swapped it with a video of cats. The look of confused embarrassment on the reporter's face when the video went live was priceless!

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