She's the Neuromancer Queen

Table of Contents

She's the Neuromancer Queen

Difficulty: Rare ♦️3

The client is been plagued by a computer hacker who goes by the handle NeuromancerQueen99. The client has suffered numerous humiliations to this cyber criminal. For example, his bank accounts have been manipulated to buy whole truck loads of Bingo Cola and hentai DVDs, all delivered to his office. The client can take no more. An agent is needed, one of intelligence, who can properly upgrade the client's security.

Mission Requirements


△ Prowess 0
◻ Adaptability 105
❍ Ingenuity 140


Intel 5
Supplies 0
Assets 5


Time 04:00:00

Potential Rewards

Item Rewards

Talisman Distillate (400cc) Requires Successful or Outstanding Results
Weapon Distillate (400cc) Requires Successful or Outstanding Results
Weapon Distillate (400cc) Requires Outstanding Results

Resource Rewards

Intel 0
Supplies 8
Assets 0
XP 1,563

Bonus Objective

Bonus Requirements


Bonus Rewards

Weapon Distillate (200cc)
15% Bonus XP

Mission Results Text


This NeuromancerQueen99 ran circles around your operative. Whoever this person is, they are an ingenious and experienced sort of cyber criminal.


At first, NeuromancerQueen99 got through every defense placed, but your operative worked tirelessly, and the cyber criminal has moved on to greener pastures (and targets).

Outstanding Results

At first, NeuromancerQueen99 got through every defense placed, but your operative worked tirelessly, and the cyber criminal has moved on to greener pastures (and targets).

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