Tiana Cardoza

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Tiana Cardoza

Dossier Rarity: Rare
Dossier Source:
Manhattan Exclusion Zone
This Agent's Dossier can be sold for 1000 Anima Shards or traded and sold on the Auction House.

"Subject is a powerful psychic medium capable of communing with spirits and enlisting their aid. This makes her privy to odd information.

The youth became the High Priestess at the passing of her grandmother, as is the Umbanda tradition. Spiritual communication is achieved via ritual singing and dancing. Alcohol and cigars play a ceremonial role.

CAUTION: Though young, the spirits she calls upon can be dangerous if she feels threatened. Show respect for her late grandmother to ease negotiations."

Agent Details

Gender Female
Profession Umbanda Priestess
Species Human
Age 17


△ Prowess

16 (Level 1)
◻ Adaptability 17 (Level 1)
❍ Ingenuity 24 (Level 1)



Ritual Spirit Summoning

Tiana's connection with the spirits grants her hidden knowledge and insight, reducing the time it takes to complete missions which make use of Intelligence traits.


Spiritual Leader

Tiana's leadership role has honed her mind, increasing her Ingenuity and Adaptability.

Agent Support Ability

Spiritual Conduit

Level 25 Passive Ability

+150 Crit Power

Level 50 Passive Ability

(0.215*Healing Power) Healing on Critical Heals

Mission Report Dialogue

Complete Results

"The spirits were not with me today – I must rest and gather my strength."

Successful Results

"I could not have done it without the aid of Grandma's friends from beyond."

Outstanding Results

"I could not have done it without the aid of Grandma's friends from beyond."

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