The Pick Up

Difficulty: ♦️1

A member of your faction is in hot water. A package was supposed to be delivered by noon today, but they have recently learned the package has been intercepted by Phoenician operatives. Send an agent to retrieve the package by any means necessary.

This is a high firepower mission that is time sensitive. Get that package before the Phoenicians discover what it contains.

Mission Requirements


△ Prowess 15
◻ Adaptability 0
❍ Ingenuity 0


Intel 0
Supplies 0
Assets 0


Time 08:00:00

Potential Rewards

Item Rewards

Weapon Distillate (300cc) Requires Successful or Outstanding Results
Talisman Distillate (300cc) Requires Outstanding Results

Resource Rewards

Intel 0
Supplies 0
Assets 1
XP 1,280

Bonus Objective

Bonus Requirements


Bonus Rewards

20% Bonus XP

Mission Results Text


What a horrible day for the member of your faction!

Your agent decided to attack the wrong vehicle and in doing so, has allowed the Phoenician operatives to escape with the package.


Your agent used some ingenuity and was able to intercept the Phoenicians. Not only was the package retrieved, but there are now two less Phoenician operatives to worry about.

Outstanding Results

Your agent used some ingenuity and was able to intercept the Phoenicians. Not only was the package retrieved, but there are now two less Phoenician operatives to worry about.

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