The Talos of Clay

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Agartha Vibrant Agartha (Clay Talos)
10 000

The Talos of Clay is a 40-player Open Raid encounter available during the Anniversary Event in Agartha.

Tier 1

Objective: Collect your reward

Upon defeating the Clay Talos, the raid mission The Talos of Clay will be applied to all participants in the instance. Within seconds of receiving the mission, it automatically completes.

Defeating the Clay Talos gives the buff Anima Surge, which allows a player to open a [Buzzing Hive] during its 10 minute duration. Only one [Buzzing Hive] can be opened per Anima Surge effect.

Agartha will expel players from the raid instance shortly after defeating the Clay Talos within. Removal from the instance is staggered to reduce server lag, so some players will be teleported out first and others may have to wait a few seconds to leave the instance.

The Talos of Clay gives a [Genizah of Clay] upon turn-in. In addition, it rewards 1 [Animated Particulate] for First-Time Completion. This mission has a 30-minute cooldown.

For more information on the contents of Buzzing Hives, the Genizah of Clay, Animated Particulates, the Talos of Gaia, or the Anniversary Event itself, see our Anniversary Event Guide!

General Information

The Clay Talos

The Immaculate Machine has initiated the education protocols, desiring to teach Her bees how to best protect Her. Unfortunately for the bees, something has corrupted all of the Talos of Gaia that have been created for teaching purposes, including the Clay Talos.

The Clay Talos is one of the 40-player Open Raid encounters accessible in Agartha through the Vibrant Agartha instance, which will always contain 1 Talos of Gaia raid boss out of a total of 11 different Talos of Gaia raid bosses found within Vibrant Agartha. Every hour at 00:02 minutes past the hour, the portal to Vibrant Agartha becomes active for 10 minutes. While bosses inside may last after that period of time, no more may enter to face a Talos once those 10 minutes have passed. An instance of Vibrant Agartha will close 30 minutes after the first player has entered that instance regardless of whether or not the Talos of Gaia is engaged in combat.

The Talos of Gaia present within Vibrant Agartha rotates every hour.

There are no level requirements necessary to enter and face the Clay Talos. A player only needs to have met Jack Boone in Kingsmouth Town in order to participate in the raid.

Vibrant Agartha

The portal to Vibrant Agartha can be found between the Agartha Pad to the Training Grounds and the Transylvania region just outside of the Hollowed Halls (550,250). It is festively decorated with balloons, piñatas, and streamers.

Equal Footing

Players within Vibrant Agartha are buffed with Equal Footing so that their stats are scaled evenly regardless of their level or item power.

Abilities and Mechanics

106286032 HP

Immune to CC

The Clay Talos is permanently immune to Stuns, Knock Downs, Obstruction, Roots, and Snares.

Dirty Blow / Mud Body

As is expected of a mud golem, the Mud Body of the Clay Talos gives it a Dirty Blow. Whenever the Clay Talos hits someone who has been Hindered by a movement impairment such as a Root, Snare, or Slow, that someone will Slip and be Knocked Away in a random direction. The knockback of Slip is subject to Diminishing Returns and will be weaker on subsequent afflictions of Slip within a short 14 second timeframe.

Avoid stepping in any of the Mud when the Clay Talos Spews Mud, as every hit from the Mud both snares and deals damage, resulting in a Slip.

Spew Mud

The colossal Clay Talos is quick to Spew Mud around it in the direction of its enemies in order to keep them Hindered in place. Spew Mud is cast in a 360 degree PBAoE with a total 50 meter radius and a 2 second cast time. Spew Mud has an 18 second recast time and a 2.5 second recharge delay before the recast timer begins after it has been cast, resulting in a 20.5 second cooldown period.

A total maximum of 5 players are targeted by Spew Mud and will have a Spew Mud 360 degree GTAoE with a 2 second cast time at the point they were standing. The Spew Mud GTAoE leaves a Persistent Ground Effect with a 5 meter radius and 13 second duration that rapidly ticks every 0.5 seconds for a total of 26 ticks. Each tick both afflicts any player standing in it with the Hindering Mud snare that reduces movement speed by 70% for 1 second and rapidly deals slight physical damage. Being hit by Mud causes a Slip.

A minimum of 1 player must be within 50 meters of the Clay Talos for any Mud to be spewed. A single player within 7 meters of the Clay Talos and up to 4 other players between 8 to 50 meters of the Clay Talos will be targeted by Spew Mud.


The Clay Talos slams the ground 360 degrees around it in a 15 meter PBAoE radius, causing any players near the golem to be thrown into the air and damaged slightly by its Upheaval. This mighty Upheaval has a 4 second cast time and a 20 second recast time.

A maximum of 30 players can be hit by Upheaval and receive a large amount of physical damage. Anyone hit by Upheaval is afflicted by Upheaval and is knocked away and flung 15 meters high into the sky. Anybody with Upheaval is incapacitated for the entire 6 second duration of the debuff, provided there are no Diminishing Returns in effect. The knockaway of Upheaval is subject to Diminishing Returns and will be weaker on subsequent afflictions of Upheaval received within a short 14 second timeframe.

To avoid Upheaval, move away from the Clay Talos when it begins its cast.

The knockaway component of Upheaval has not been present since Anniversary 2018. It is unknown whether this is a bug or an intended change.

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