Posted by
on December 11, 2024.Last updated by
on December 12, 2024.Contributions made by
.The Talos of Technologyis a 40-player Open Raid encounter available during the Anniversary Event in Agartha.
Task Description
Gaia forms elemental constructs to test and reward her champions, but something went wrong... and the hulking automaton turned deadly. Fortunately, you helped bring this corrupted Talos down before it could cause undue harm. Now claim your reward.
Upon defeating the Tech Talos, the raid mission The Talos of Technology will be applied to all participants in the instance. Within seconds of receiving the mission, it automatically completes.
Defeating the Tech Talos gives the buff Anima Surge, which allows a player to open a [Buzzing Hive] during its 10 minute duration. Only one [Buzzing Hive] can be opened per Anima Surge effect.
Agartha will expel players from the raid instance shortly after defeating the Tech Talos within. Removal from the instance is staggered to reduce server lag, so some players will be teleported out first and others may have to wait a few seconds to leave the instance.
The Talos of Technology gives a [Genizah of Technology] upon turn-in. In addition, it rewards 1 [Animated Particulate] for First-Time Completion. This mission has a 30-minute cooldown.
For more information on the contents of Buzzing Hives, the Genizah of Technology, Animated Particulates, the Talos of Gaia, or the Anniversary Event itself, see our Anniversary Event Guide!
The Immaculate Machine has initiated the education protocols, desiring to teach Her bees how to best protect Her. Unfortunately for the bees, something has corrupted all of the Talos of Gaia that have been created for teaching purposes, including the Tech Talos.
The Tech Talos is one of the 40-player Open Raid encounters accessible in Agartha through the Vibrant Agartha instance, which will always contain 1 Talos of Gaia raid boss out of a total of 11 different Talos of Gaia raid bosses found within Vibrant Agartha. Every hour at 00:02 minutes past the hour, the portal to Vibrant Agartha becomes active for 10 minutes. While bosses inside may last after that period of time, no more may enter to face a Talos once those 10 minutes have passed. An instance of Vibrant Agartha will close 30 minutes after the first player has entered that instance regardless of whether or not the Talos of Gaia is engaged in combat.
The Talos of Gaia present within Vibrant Agartha rotates every hour.
There are no level requirements necessary to enter and face the Tech Talos. A player only needs to have met Jack Boone in Kingsmouth Town in order to participate in the raid.
The portal to Vibrant Agartha can be found between the Agartha Pad to the Training Grounds and the Transylvania region just outside of the Hollowed Halls (550,250). It is festively decorated with balloons, piñatas, and streamers.
Players within Vibrant Agartha are buffed with Equal Footing so that their stats are scaled evenly regardless of their level or item power.
106286032 HP
The Tech Talos is permanently immune to Stuns, Knock Downs, Obstruction, Roots, and Snares.
Irate as it is, the Tech Talos cannot be swayed from its target of hate and becomes Immune to Hate Modification every 60 seconds, at which point the Talos is immune to Hate modification effects such as taunts, provocations, or hate reduction effects. This occurs during the entire 30 second duration of The Tube Also Stares Into You and the 5 second cast time of Ad Nauseum Overload, resulting in a total 35 seconds that the Tech Talos is Immune to Hate Modification.
The technological terror that is the Tech Talos brings its titanic fists down upon its foe to Attack as its generic attack. This Attack is a single target Melee Strike with a 2 meter range that deals physical damage and has a 1.5 second cast time and Instant recast time.
The Tech Talos slams it hands down on a chosen foe a within 5 meter range to deliver a mighty Apathy Shock. The single target damaging Apathy Shock has a 1 second cast time and 15 second recast time.
When hit by Apathy Shock, the target is dealt a moderate amount of physical damage and will be Knocked Down and unable to act for 3 seconds as they become Impaired and thrown backwards. The Knock Away of Knocked Down is subject to Diminishing Returns and will be weaker on subsequent afflictions of Knocked Down within a short 14 second timeframe.
The Talos of Technology is capable of firing off a highly damaging Raging Laser in a 90 degree Hostile PBAoE cone in front of it. Its Raging Laser has an Instant cast time and 17 second recast time. There are 3 versions of Raging Laser, each of which has a different distance from the Tech Talos and radius of its PBAoE cone.
The farthest and largest width Raging Laser is a 21 meter radius 90 degree PBAoE that occurs 15 meters from the Tech Talos.
The middle and median width Raging Laser is a 15 meter radius 90 degree PBAoE that occurs 9 meters from the Tech Talos.
The closest and smallest width Raging Laser is a 9 meter radius 90 degree PBAoE that occurs 3 meters from the Tech Talos.
All variations of Raging Laser instantly deal a moderate amount of physical damage to anyone inside their radii. Stay to the sides of the Tech Talos or stay behind the Tech Talos to avoid being hit by a Raging Laser.
Modern media can be overwhelming even to Gaia's Talos of Technology. The Tech Talos raises its arms as lightning bolts arc across its body and rain down on the platform surrounding it in a Media Explosion. Media Explosion is a 15-second Magic Frenzy Channelled PBAoE with a 1 second Channeling Interval that has a 15 second cast time and a 15 second recast time.
Every 1 second of Media Explosion, 3 random points within a 30 meter radius around the Tech Talos will be struck by a 360 degree 5 meter radius GTAoE Media Explosion cast onto each point. After 3 seconds, the GTAoE points themselves become a Media Explosion and deal a small amount of physical damage to any entity within their 5 meter radii. Anyone hit by a Media Explosion will be Stunned and unable to act for 3 seconds as they become Impaired. The Impair Stunned is subject to Diminishing Returns and will be weaker on subsequent afflictions of Stunned within a short 14 second timeframe.
The Patchwork Facsimile has an uncanny gaze. After 60 seconds of combat, its main head television turns on with a sickening swirl. As you stare into the cathode ray tubes, The Tube Also Stares Into You. The buff The Tube Also Stares Into You lasts for 30 seconds and has an Instant cast time. This effect has a 60 second recast time beginning after the buff expires.
Every 1 second while The Tube Also Stares Into You is active, the Tech Talos pulses The Tube Also Stares Into You with a 150 degree Hostile PBAoE frontal cone in a 30 meter radius emanating from the face of the Talos. The area of the cone is visualised by a green swirl radiating from its head.
Any time The Tube Also Stares Into You hits a player, that player will receive 1 stacking counter of the The Tube Also Stares Into You debuff.
While The Tube Also Stares Into You is active, the Tech Talos is Immune to Hate Modification effects and will select a singular designated target player to focus onto and follow around the Vibrant Agartha platform.
It is advised that the targeted player direct the Tech Talos away from the rest of the raid. Do not let it face everyone else.
After The Tube Also Stares Into You expires, the Tech Talos will cast Ad Nauseum Overload.
Staring into the screen of the Talos of Technology feels so strange. Whenever The Tube Also Stares Into You hits, it applies 1 counter of the stacking debuff The Tube Also Stares Into You to any player within its 150-degree 30-meter radius cone. The debuff The Tube Also Stares Into You lasts 30 seconds per counter and can stack up to a maximum of 30 times. All stacks of The Tube Also Stares Into You are consumed by Ad Nauseum Overload.
Anyone afflicted by The Tube Also Stares Into You will have a green swirl floating above their head as a dizzying visual indicator of the effect.
Stay behind the Tech Talos while The Tube Also Stares Into You is active on the Talos to avoid the stacking debuff.
Once The Tube Also Stares Into You expires, the Tech Talos casts Ad Nauseum Overload. The Patchwork Facsimile is overloaded and gathers its energy as it leaps upwards to smash its energized fist into the ground in front of it. Ad Nauseum Overload is cast in a 360 degree Magic Hostile PBAoE with a 50 meter radius that has a 5 second cast time. It cannot be recast until after The Tube Also Stares Into You has been cast, at which point its recast time becomes 1 second.
Ad Nauseum Overload deals moderate magical elemental damage to all caught within its 50 meter radius at the end of its 5 second cast time. Ad Nauseum Overload consumes all stacks of The Tube Also Stares Into You and causes anyone who had any counters of The Tube Also Stares Into You to become Stunned and unable to act for a scaling duration determined by their stack size. It is not subject to Diminishing Returns.
The minimum duration of Stunned is 2 seconds. The maximum duration of Stunned is 12 seconds.