Posted by vomher on April 1, 2019.
Last updated by vomher on December 11, 2019.

Shenanigans are afoot in the Secret World on April First, sweetlings!
Secret World Legends has received an update with some particularly obscure patch notes. Truth has been hidden within jokes! What's real and what's fake need be discovered by players!
We're working hard to figure out the reality of the patch.
The Truth
The following patch notes have been revealed to have truth to them.
- The Tank Commander Blade and Depleted Energy Cell are now obtainable. No we aren’t going to tell you how, and we definitely didn’t test it.
- Release Dove - Updated source text
- Bowow - Meow grwwl hiss purrr
- Occult Defence - Repairs Not Needed and Structural Inspector will no longer incorrectly award in the amazing yet absurd case of the Hagstone not taking any damage for 3 waves
- Shambala team size is now 5
- Completing matches in Shambala at level 50 now has a chance to award distillate instead of anima shards and greens
- Mr. Rosenbaum has opened an underground fight club.
- Introduced at least 4 new bugs. See if you can find them!
This means the following equivalent points listed have been added or changed with the patch:
- A new mission has been added that can potentially reward the Tank Commander Blade and Depleted Energy Cell: Once More Into the Tower! This mission can be found by acquiring the Peculiar Box, a random drop from Reward Bags such as Talisman, Weapon, or Glyph Reward Bags from a variety of mission content going from the Scorched Desert all the way to South Africa! Shambala included! Be warned, however, as this mission can prove a difficult fight!
- The Tank Commander Blade and Depleted Energy Cell are both Museum items for the Museum of the Occult.
- A walkthrough will be made available as soon as possible!
- UPDATE: The Peculiar Box can also drop from Rare (Blue) Reward Chests from Elite Dungeons, Lairs and Regionals!
- The Release Dove pet's source in the Pet Window previously said it was from Jack Venture, which was false. The pet's true source is from the Tree Tender during the Valentine's Day Event. The Release Dove's source has been updated to match.
- There is a new pet: A Glaring of Kyats! This pet's source is listed as "???" and is a reference to player Kylaney, a cat lover. We do not yet know the method of obtaining this pet. We're on the hunt!
- UPDATE: We now know how to get A Glaring of Kyats! Use the [Kyat Key Card] on a special hatch in the Dracula's Castle instance to enter a special zone called "The Kyastle" and try your chances at a whole new mission: Extra-Dimensional Furry Friends! This mission can only be attempted once every 18 hours regardless of your patronage status regardless of whether you succeed or fail in it's timed challenge goals! That's right - a timed challenge! Collect 50 Kyats within 4 minutes in order to successfully complete this mission and receive A Glaring of Kyats!
- The [Kyat Key Card] is obtained from the special guest "Crazy Kyat Lady" in the Rosenbrawl, who has a chance to spawn after at least 10 deaths have occurred in the Rosenbrawl.
- The Occult Defence Achievements "Repairs Not Needed" and "Structural Inspector" were previously being rewarded for completing 3 consecutive waves at 100% Integrity instead of 10%. These achievements should now behave properly.
- Shambala team size has been reduced to 5 from 10, making Shambala a match of 5v5 as opposed to the original 10v10. This should allow Shambala to pop more frequently than before!
- Shambala has new rewards! We're still learning more!
- There's a new PvP minigame: The Rosenbrawl! Players invite other players! The first mission after receiving an SMS invitation is The Rosenbrawl, which unlocks The Rosenbrawl! Completing The Rosenbrawl will then unlock the missions Martial Combat and A Pugilistic Welcome. Completion of those two missions will unlock the mission A New Contender, which is what will allow you to invite another player to the Rosenbrawl! Be warned, though - you can only complete A New Contender once in a long while!
- UPDATE: We can confirm that there is also a rare chance to directly receive the SMS invitation to the Rosenbrawl when winning a match of Shambala!
- There's undoubtedly going to be bugs, big or small, in any update bringing in new content. So far, there hasn't been anything particularly jarring or noteworthy.
We will update information listed here with greater clarity as new content is further understood.
You can read the whimsical patch notes for the Shenanigans Update HERE!
Any information proven to not be part of the April Fool's Day whimsy will be added to this post!